

NII検索 検索条件 和洋区分 図 書 雑 誌
全資料 56件 2件







1Social research methods / Alan Bryman. -- 5th ed. -- Oxford University Press, 2016.図書
2Biosociology and neurosociology / edited by Will Kalkhoff, Shane R. Thye, Edward J. Lawler ; : hbk. -- Emerald, 2012. -- (Advances in group processes : a research annual / editor, Edward J. Lawler ; v. 29)(Emerald Books).図書
3Theory and Research on Human Emotions / edited by Jonathan H Turner. -- Elsevier , 2004. -- (Advances in group processes : a research annual).図書
4Power and status / edited by Shane R. Thye, John Skvoretz. -- JAI , 2003. -- (Advances in group processes : a research annual).図書
5The open covenant : social change in contemporary society / Christopher Bates Doob. ; alk. paper, pbk. : alk. paper. -- Praeger .図書
6Research methods in social network analysis / Linton C. Freeman, Douglas R. White, and A. Kimball Romney, editors. ; alk. paper.図書
7The end of conversation : the impact of mass media on modern society / Franco Ferrarotti. ; lib. bdg. : alk. paper. -- Greenwood Press . -- (Contributions in sociology ; no. 71).図書
8Elite and social change : a study of elite formation in India / Suren Navlakha. ; U.S., India. -- (Studies in social change and development ; no. 5).図書
9Coping with cultural and racial diversity in urban America / Wallace E. Lambert and Donald M. Taylor. ; alk. paper. -- Praeger .図書
10Transforming identities : context, power, and ideology in a therapeutic community / Barbara Frankel.. -- P. Lang . -- (American university studies. ; vol. 14 Anthropology and sociology).図書
11Political theory and power / Sarah Joseph.. -- E.J. Brill . -- (Monographs and theoretical studies in sociology and anthropology in honour of Nels Anderson ; publication 26).図書
12Industrialization as an agent of social change : a critical analysis / by Herbert Blumer ; edited with an introduction by David R. Maines and Thomas J. Morrione. ; pbk.. -- A. de Gruyter . -- (Communication and social order).図書
13Understanding and explanation : a transcendental-pragmatic perspective / Karl-Otto Apel ; translated by Georgia Warnke.. -- (Studies in contemporary German social thought).図書
14Weber and Rickert : concept formation in the cultural sciences / Guy Oakes.. -- (Studies in contemporary German social thought).図書
15Science, action, and fundamental theology : toward a theology of communicative action / Helmut Peukert ; translated by James Bohman. ; pbk.. -- (Studies in contemporary German social thought).図書
16Social science as civic discourse : essays on the invention, legitimation, and uses of social theory / Richard Harvey Brown. ; alk. paper. -- University of Chicago Press .図書
17On the logic of the social sciences / Jrgen Habermas ; translated by Shierry Weber Nicholsen and Jerry A. Stark ; : hbk., : pbk.. -- 1988. -- (Studies in contemporary German social thought ).図書
18Elites and the idea of equality : a comparison of Japan, Sweden, and the United States / Sidney Verba and Steven Kelman ... [et al.]. ; alk. paper.図書
19Powershift : knowledge, wealth, and violence at the edge of the 21st century / Alvin Toffler. -- Bantam Books , 1990.図書
20Fuzzy set analysis for behavioral and social sciences / Michael Smithson ; : U.S., : Germany. -- Springer-Verlag , 1987. -- (Recent research in psychology ).図書








1Iichiko intercultural : an annual journal for transdisciplinary studies of pratiques
Editions Iichiko

2The American journal of sociology
University of Chicago Press

